Tropical Storm Eduardo hit with little luster this morning at about six am. Fortunatly we just got some rain and a few gusts of wind, but nothing scary or dangerous. The good news is that Robert's plant closed today so we had a fun day with him and I was able to finish reading Breaking Dawn. I watched two movies last night, the Bratz cartoon movie with Alice, it was cute and Beowulf with Robert. Beowulf was wildly inappropriate and well just plain lame. It's been awhile since I read the classic tale but I don't remember all the bad language and "intimate" scenes.
I had a hard time sleeping because I was all keyed up with the storm. Ever since Katrina hit and I was worried about my friend Danielle and her parents, I've been a nervous nelly during the storms. Before Katrina touched down, I was able to talk to Danielle for a couple of minutes and they were finishing up boarding their houses and were going to Atlanta, but her parents had refused to leave. So until I was able to get in contact with her by phone a few days later I was glued to the tv, looking to see if some of the rescued people were her parents. Happily all was well and they survived with little damage. It's been what three years almost since then, and I'm still keyed up.
I was happy though to have Sudoku to play last night and Breaking Dawn so I wasn't as nervous as usual. Apparently the storm hit our area around six am, but I fell asleep around five.
I'm happy to report that I cleaned out, well clean is a loose interpretation of the word-- the garage so we had both cars inside during the storm. It's not real functional because in order to get into the Saturn you can only go in like Bo and Luke Duke---ya know, "general lee" style. So I don't anticipate both cars staying inside because Robert "BO" Mullens won't be going in through the window before his mornign commute, and to be honest, it's been a long time since anyone confused me with Daisy Duke!