Friday, July 04, 2008

Alice Doing the Boot Scootin' Boogie

This is from Mrs. Carol's Dance Recital - Alice's class was by far the best!


Brianne said...

You are very up to date on you blog. Since you snuck into mine, I snuck in to see how sweet mama k was doing. I love getting to know you a little better through your blog! Thanks for sharing!

geraldandmeganlove said...

AHHH!!! I like all the posts. You are doing good staying up on the posts. I knew I would get you addicted. I have enjoyed seeing pictures of all your adventures that you have had this summer.

4Girls4Me said...

She's adorable! We have a housefull of dancers and a shrine of dance costumes in my closet! What do you do with yours?

Holy Coupons Batman
