Thursday, June 17, 2010

More of Camp Alice and Joely

See how cute they can be?
We had Emily with us and then we picked up Anoi, Keegan and Mya to come see the
"Jack and the Beanstalk" play at the community center.
By just getting there 20 minutes early the kids got to sit on the front row- woo hoo. They were as good as GOLD during the performance. When we checked in the volunteer asked if I was a day care center. That just made me laugh, because the answer is no, but I did bring 6 kids with me.

This is Joely's favorite part, the refreshments.
For the craft they let the kids plant a bean sprout. Very cute. Another fun thing is it's run by the senior volunteers, and they always say how cute my kids are and that makes me want to go back. You always see some strange people, and I can't help but eavesdrop-- so naturally I have a good time too- LOL
Afterwards we went to the Pool and had fun, however we went a little late and around four o clock it was inundated with teens, scantilly clad, and a lot of parents so we have to get there early enough to leave by three, the kids don't like a crowd---where do they get that from?
Today will be fun too, Lunch with Miss Arcalee-FINALLY I dont' even remember the last time we got together.
And tomorrow the boys have their triumphant re-entry into Crosby.
They've been missed.

1 comment:

Scrapbookallie said...

I always loved jack and the beanstalk! Looks like fun!

Holy Coupons Batman
