Crosby Cougars
Well Quentin, aka Q-BONE- turned 10 over a month ago and somehow I never blogged about the second child born of my loins in 1999.
So where do I start?
Let's start with the obvious, he's smart, adorable and funny-
He's just like his mom
He's stubborn, opinionated and Too smart for his own good sometimes
He's just like his Dad Seriously, Quentin is a very fun kid and an engaging Brother. He is adorable with is little sister Joely, he is as patient as he can be with Alice and he competes with and loves his Big Brother.
(Quentin pictured giving a thumbs up)
Quentin is the only little brother and big brother we have in our family, he's unique and useful.
He LOVES Crosby Cougar Football.
He loves his teachers
He loves his teachers
He still loves Mrs. Butler most of all (#1 Kindergarten teacher- EVER)
He has fun doing most anything.
He laughs a lot. Sometimes we dont' always get the joke.
He has to get in the last word (hmmm Barnes or Mullens DNA- not sure)
He has excellent handwriting.
He will make an excellent Police Officer one day because he's already concerned about Law and Order in our home. He wants to make sure everyone else is following the Law and that he can mete out some of the Order.
He loves to watch my detective shows with me. He'll watch Psych and Monk and edited versions of the Mentalist, he'd watch the Law and Orders if they weren't innapropriate.
He loves to eavesdrop and likes repeating and questioning what he hears...
It's not politically correct to say he's a suck up, we prefer "teacher pleaser" best.
His Bus Driver says, "M'aam he's a joy to drive around!"
And he is.
Quentin is a very fun kid.
I'm so glad he fell in love with playing football. I already have my delusions of Grandeur for when he gets his Heisman Trophy. He'll say something like this.
"I'd first like to thank my mama, she inspired me to do my best and she made sure I had water at my practices. I LOVE MY MAMA! I'd also like to thank Coach Spencer for being the best teacher. "
I'm sure he'd mention his dad and grandma's and probably his aunts and uncles. In fact his list would be very long, he has a lot of people that love him.
He has inherited my love of quoting movies. After watching an edited version of waterboy, he was busy spouting off some of the good lines, and there were plenty to choose from.
I'm so glad we have our Quentin, (even if his breathing does bother Alice) I'm really glad he lived through those 2 months of colic from 11/99-1/00.
I'm looking forward to him turning 11 next year.