I'm sold! Originally I thought that my suspicions that John McCain was in the throws of dementia had been confirmed. I couldn't grasp why he chose a virtually unknown candidate, from Alaska. (Alaska? really??) But after her speech, and a lot of the credit does go to her speechwriter, I am now a fan of McCain/Palin 2008. I'm not sure if her pageant experience gave her the poise and taught her to be articulate or if she was born with a natural talent, but she won me over! Her family was adorable too, especially the youngest little girl. She was a cherub!!! Did you see her holding the baby? She licked her hand and then tried to fix his hair, soo cute--
Why are the pictures so tiny?
I was watching it on PBS and one of the "commentators" said all the Bloggers will be behind her now. He said Bloggers like we are some kind of curse and byword. Of course I doubt he considers sweetmamak to be a force behind political machines, he's probably referring to those who actually get paid to Blog.
So Sarah is why an official Independent who not only voted for but campaigned for a real maverick in Kinky Friedman is getting behind a very conservative ticket of McCain and Palin. Good choice McCain, you've got another white suburban mother voting for you.
I just have to remember, she's not actually running for president, she's running for the office that John Nance Garner described as "spitting into a bucket."
But maybe in 4 or 8 years we'll be wondering who she's picking for her VP