Thursday, November 04, 2010

Aww Baby Quentin is 11

Below are few pictures of Quentin. The digital camera did not come for years after he was born and therefore it's hard to show you digitally his progression from birth to 11 years.
Take it from me once he stopped the colic and slept through the night on January 26, 1997
he was and still is adorable.
We were so thrilled to get our little Quentin. Robert wanted his middle name to be Michael after his youth pastor, Michael Clements who passed away the year before we had Quentin.
MIchael was a great man who touched many lives for the good Quentin lives up to his namesake.
His first name came to me while watching a documentary on the Air Force Academy, the cadet was very articulate and also attractive and his name stuck with me.
Upon further investigation I found out it's gaelic for
"From the Queen's estate"
So basically I was sold.
Here is what Quentn likes in 2010
1. Xbox360 --LIVE (gamer tag sweetmamak--add him and Dave as friends)
2. FOOTBALL--He is first and foremost a cougar, but will happily cheer for any team. He loves the Texans too.
4. Camping.
5. Sleeping until after noon-
6. Fried Shrimp, Boiled shrimp...all kinds of shrimp.
7. Doing well in school- his handwriting is awesome.
8. And like the waterboy, he "loves his mama very much"
We love you mr. Quentonius Maximus!
Put em up--
This is Quentin as the reluctant Cowardly Lion-
Cute but he felt ridiculous.
He was much happier when trick or treating, since it was anonymous, here everyone knew who he was.

Here Quentin is seven and he and David were playing in the Capital in Austin one evening. They were preparing for Quentin's inevitable political career.
He is a masterful suck up and is already efficient in telling people what they want to hear.
His talents will serve him well.

Same time frame, on the way to Austin we stopped for Blue Bonnet Pictures.
This was our first of many trips with Austin and Allie from ST. George. UT

Here is the "rug rat" he was on an awesome undefeated soccer team in Henerson TX
This is his grandpa and "baby Alice" He was 6 in this picture --Alice not quite 3.

Here he is at age 7 with Baby Joely

Age 5 with David (shirtless) and BFF Caroline Rains

I have an embarrasing photo of he and Caroline dressed as Princesses. It's in his scrapbook, you'll have to come by and see it as I'm certain he would kill me if it was in cybersace.

This is Mrs. Butler- If you know Quentin you've heard of her
She's the reason my daughter in law will be a petite blonde with curls and a darlin'southern accent.

His favorite place to be- Grandma's Pool- That's David helpinghim up. At least I hope he is helping him up and not trying to push him back down.

This was a birthday party he planned for Sally. He was 4 and alice wasn't two yet
Sally was a mean hamster.

Holy Coupons Batman
