Tuesday, November 24, 2009

To Covet is a sin...

From left to right
Austin McCoy
David Mullens
Alice Mullens
Quentin Mullens
Joely Mullens
Note how uncomfortable David looks, as if his sisters hands are covered in acid and it's causing his flesh to burn off his body. Immediately after the picture was taken, Joely kissed Quentin and hit Alice.
LOVE - true Love
So anyway back to coveting.
I know it's not just wrong, it's a SIN
(insert evil devilish laughter)
I mean, it's listed in Exodus as one of the top ten sins.
But still I covet.
Yesterday I was coveting because of the football seats that Allie scored.
She has a friend/business colleague here in Texas and he got them Club suite seats for the game.
She called me from her suite and said they just listened to a band play. You could hear her so clearly, because the sounds of the "riff raff" was muted.
This was THE game of the season.
Local boy Vince Young returns to fight the Texans as the QB- the last time he played here was in his rookie year and he scored an awesome touchdown. (thank you ESPN for continuing to show it over and over and then again mentioning it OVER and OVER)
Again Texans front office, why didn't you draft Vince Young back in 2006?
Plus it was the Titans, and Houstonians are still hurting over the Oilers leaving and becoming "titans"
So this game was for the fans.
Sadly, the good guys lost.
Quentin and I were watching it from our recliners and not in the club suite like Allie and Austin,
but the loss was just as devastating.
Quentin even cried.
We both are hoping this is Kris Brown's LAST game.
To quote Quentin, "He's the worst Kicker in the history of the NFL"
Quentin NEVER Exaggerates.
I called Uncle Bo and he was mad, he couldn't believe Vince Young, "Quarter backs don't run like that, they need to take him down at the knees"
Well I guess there is always next year.
We'll get that bad boy, Vince Young...
and his Titans too....

Monday, November 23, 2009

I've seen miles and miles of Texas

Austin and Allie are here on a quick visit from Utah's Dixie, St. George, Utah.
When Allie comes it's time for a road trip across Texas. This visit was no exception.
First off they flew into Dallas Fort Worth airport with Allie's brother Dallas.
He was going to the cowboys (boo hiss) game the next day with a couple of friends.

Since he had time to kill, he drove Allie and Austin to the Crossroad of Texas
Where we met up at Dickie's BBQ

(pictured David -in green- Austin in requisite BYU hat- and Allie's arm)

Along the way we stopped at the cleanest toilets in the world- Bucees rest stop, where Beavers Rule!

Dallas, Allie's brother, and his friend, were both glad they left their mother's behind and weren't subjected to humiliating photos.

Quentin was too cool to pose with Buccee, but not too cool to eat snacks and get drinks from his rest stop. Seriously, the bathrooms ROCK in there, if you get a chance to drive across texas, make a point to rest in one of the spacioius bathrooms. I wanted to take pictures inside the bathroom, but I thought that might "appear" wierd, so I refrained. Take my word for it!

This is David, the good sport, just outside the bathroom, talking trash to this local outlaw.

That was Saturday. Sunday we took another road trip all the way to Katy, TX to visit with Arcalee and have a great afternoon.

David went to see Dylan and Austin, Quentin, Robert and the girls stayed in Crosby to play HALO ODST for a marathon day.

We had fun, I was supposed to bring dessert, but the recipe didn't turn out so we went to Chili's

For some reason, the pictures I took with Allie and Arcalee, didn't get saved on my camera- WIERD0 but we had a great lunch at Arcalee's house and enjoyed catching up. Arcalee took us on a tour of her master planned community, 7 Meadows .

Today we are meeting Dallas and his friends at Chuys' for lunch and then they are going to the Texans/Titans game. Allie scored club tickets thanks to a colleague here in Texas--

I can't wait for their next visit, when we'll travel to San Antonio!

Holy Coupons Batman
