Last Night apparently David lost his mind and made a rare bad choice. The only consequence that fit the crime was the worst one known to David--- NO VIDEO GAMES ON FRIDAY-- ever Since first grade for D-money (as we like to call him) and Q-bone and now Allie Cat- we don't allow video games during the week, it was a smart request from his principal, Kim Buckner of Henderson ISD, in east texas. (I think that was a way run on sentence) So DAVID loves the weekends, he usually makes good choices all week, he literally can not stand to lose this privilige, except for last night.
When he got off the bus, he looked liked a slinky. So low to the ground were his precious shoulders. He begged to be able to earn back his precious video games, but I explained that "Rules and Consequences prove that we love you." He quietely muttered, "I don't feel the love" So I told him he could help me make a snack that my friend Jo told me about. I found it on Rachel Ray's website, It's called Banana Sushi.
He said he'd be glad to help, if afterwards he could play his Xbox 360, I told him no X box, so he said he'd help but (and he did have a wee twinkle in his eye when he said it) he would NOT have a happy heart.
So this is him not having a happy heart, and doing his darndest to not smile.
And this is him with his creation in his mouth, again no smiles
I don't know how many of you are familiar with the Mullens Family mantra of a "happy heart." It started innocently enough with a family home evening lesson about happy hearts. When the kids are irritated about chores etc, I remind them of their Happy Hearts, It used to bring smile and joy to their faces, but now it brings evil smiles and rolled eyes, nonetheless, I perservere! And sometimes, on the rare days that I grumble, they remind me to have my happy heart.