Monday, June 20, 2011

A Week at Surfside

Heaven on Earth!
We spent a delightful week hanging out at the beach. It was amazing.
The weather was perfect and our little town home was perfect.
Pictured above is the view from one of the four balconies.
We had our own private walkover to the beach and at the end was another deck.
Sometimes I have genius ideas, this was one of them.
We only took flip flops.
6 people 6 flip flops.
It was easy to keep up with everything.

Another genius idea,(robert's) no phones and no schedule!
Robert's work was wonderful, no calls or texts.
I loved the little clock, it really expresses our sentiments.

On Wednesday, we stayed inside during the day, we slept late, ate a late breakfast and played a bunch of board games, ate a late lunch and then hit the beach.
We finally broke out Settlers of Cataan. But imagine my dismay when the instructions were taken out and not put back in!
Fortunately, I had my phone, with Internet access and we found an online tutorial.
We are hooked. Sadly I didn't take any pictures during the games, as it's too competitive.

Bathing Beauty! This is on the deck.

The other favorite activity-
Creating sand civilizations.
We had enough time, that we didn't need to just stop with castles.

This was Rob's favorite part.
Watching the moonrise, on the back porch while sitting in the rocker.
It was sooo peaceful.
And the moon was full all week.
One night it looked like Cosmo's moon, but I couldn't capture it, It's just in my memory bank.

Robert wasn't homesick at all, because there was a laundry room.
We only had six towels too, so we'd rinse the towels and suits and dry them.
It was nice to keep the sand away. Not pictured is the below deck showers. WONDERFUL
After the beach, everyone showered off the sun and salt.
No sand was allowed at the house.

Another one of my brilliant ideas! We each had only one cup, each a different color.
Couple that with paper plates and utensils and we weren't spending much time in the kitchen

David and Quentin enjoying some beach time.

Everyone had a hat, but not everyone wore theirs.

Hands down everyone loved Boogie boarding.
Nobody was sunburnt.
And contrary to popular belief, when we got back the boys were able to play their video games just fine, they didn't forget how.
I can't wait for next year's vacation.
I'm thinking this needs to be a family tradition.

Holy Coupons Batman
