Saturday, July 10, 2010


This is about the light the sky kind of fireworks

and not a description of my ongoing love affair with Robert.

After all it's a family friendly blog-

Here is what we did on the 4th in Baytown.

We hang at the Former MHMR (mental health and mental retardation) building

now the Harris Cty Health clinic parking lot.

We are not about the crowds,

We don't roll that way.

I rarely can get a good picture of the actual fireworks, but this wasn't too bad.

Friday, July 09, 2010

How could they have more fun?

I know it's hard to imagine anymore fun than seeing Eclipse, going to a parade and shopping at Hobby Lobby, but noooo our fourth o july fun did not end there.
Saturday we headed out to Uncle Rex's to check out the new pool and have some lunch.

As always, there was plenty of food, hamburgers, hot dogs, chili, chips, sodas, you name it and it was there! YUMMY

Her Royal Higness Alice, kept mentioning how cold she was, until Uncle Rex turned on the Hot Tub, and then she was able to relax and not be cold. This little cutie with her is Uncle Bo and Aunt Tessie's niece. They came out too, it was a lot of fun.

The pool, it now has a deck around it- Gosh they move quick!

And farm fresh eggs. David and Quentin gathered these at Uncle Rex's chicken coop.
He has 10 adult chickens and 12 babies- but no roosters.
David declared, "It reeks in there"
Apparently it smelled like Chicken Poop in the Coop.
We Missed Aunt June- hopefully she'll be back from Corpus Soon.

Wednesday, July 07, 2010

And More fun...

After the parade the kids thought they were on their way home.
When I told them we were headed to Hobby Lobby,
nobody complained, because they thought it was a joke.
And the joke was on them
Because we went to
According to David, "it's the least happiest place on earth"
When we pulled into the parking lot, the boys were still in denial.
Only Joely was singing the "Hobby Lobby Song"
which sounds somewhat like Spongebob's C-A-M-P-F-I-R-E S-O-N-G Song.
I needed the exact right color of red to go with some baby shower invites, due the next day.
Alas they were out, so I made do with some other papers, but I had to take their picture.
To which Quentin said, "Really mom? I am in my uniform."
To which David replied, "Don't fight it, you know it's for her blog."
To their relief, I really did just go in for paper and not to browse the merchandise.
And to make it up to them, we had Chick Filet for lunch.
Chick Filet (or Chickolaid as Joely says it) is the best way to show your gratitude for children behaving in a place like Hobby Lobby.
More fourth fun to come, right now I'm being called back to battle Mario Karts.

Sunday, July 04, 2010

Fourth of July Weekend Fun!

The weekend started on Friday Night. After Houston was soaked to the rim with the outer bands of the Hurricane, the rain left and we had great weather for the weekend.

Friday night I went to a late showing of Eclipse with Holly and her fam. It was wonderful, I liked it sooo much. If you you don't remember, I HATED the New Moon movie. But Eclipse was wonderful, It had everything I needed, shirtless werewolves, awesome vamp fights and I now have another convert in the "Bella needs to be shot, not made into a vampire" group. She irritated Holly too! LOL

So that was Friday Night!

Great time, and I can't wait to get the video and watch it again and again and then one more time.

So what says 4th of July better than a Crosby Parade?

(if you look close you can see Quentin- I couldn't get this mom to move, and she's with the Sherrif's department so I didn't want to remove her by force)

This year the parade fell on July 3rd, which was pretty good scheduling, if you ask me.

And we really don't feel right about attending a parade without the Loves.

And thanks David for joining us. He did eventually come out to help pick up candy, after just "one more level, then I can save it."
More activities to come- but I'll publish this for now.

Holy Coupons Batman
