Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Waiting for Grandma

On Thursday The 29th, Mom and Dad came to visit. Joely was so excited. In the morning she kept laying down in my bed and hollering, "Where's My grandma?"

Finally I called them and they had passed downtown Houston which means it would only be Thirty Minutes!

When I told her it would just be Thirty Minutes, she said, "OH MAN!!"

and before I knew it she was asleep on the floor.

This is what Greeted Grandma and Grandpa.

They came to watch Alice's Dance Recital, David's School Program and Quentin's Crossover Ceremony to become A Webelos Scout.

(and not that's not a typos, its Webelos for single and plural- thank you very much)

Joely turned traiterous and would only allow Grandma to help her. Only grandma was fortunate enough to watch her "pee pee." THANKS MOM!

Also mom got to play cootie and pop up pirate OVER AND OVER AND OVER-

I didn't get a shot of it, but she did play the drums on rock band, while Quentin was on vocals.

Good Times


Jan said...

Love it that only Grandma was able to help out in the potty -- that's how it is with me as well much of the time. And I love it!! Grandma-hood is the best and your mom is wonderful. (and you are too!)

4Girls4Me said...

That's so sweet!! So fun that your Mom was able to be there for all the fun!

Yennigirl said...

Aren't Grandmas the best!! The brisket looks great!

Holy Coupons Batman
