Monday, July 13, 2009

This is DQ Country

Here we are celebrating family night-minus one- since Quentin is in Austin.
We originally were going to get snow cones, but they close at 7:00 so DQ was put on order.
We had a lot to celebrate-
Quentin was chosen to particpate in a Texans Field Training Night at Reliant Stadium.
He gets to go next Tuesday with Robert.
He'll do drills and run plays with Texans and Coaches.
Take pictures with Cheerleaders (he said "Dad'll like that")
and eat dinner there-
It was a cub scout contest- He's so lucky!

We miss him, but he's in good hands, he's going out to eat, seeing movies, swimming, staying up late and sleeping in-

David's glasses broke and his back up glasses are MIA- so he's going without them for a few days- he says he looks like a girl- silly boy!

We are still waiting to hear from Uncle Bo....


Jan said...

Oooh - that chocolate dipped cone looks fabulous. It's on the list for tonight!!

And yay for Quentin!

4Girls4Me said...

Wow - Congratulations to Quentin!! That is so awesome! I can't wait to see the NFL pics! :) Your kids are all so cute - Joely looks as sweet as her ice cream. :)

Highlights said...

I need me some uh dat DQ! That is great for Quentin, I can't wait to see the pictures...especially the ones with Robert and the cheerleaders.

Golfersfamily said...

I'm missin me some dipped cones AND some Mullens kids...

Holy Coupons Batman
