Friday, November 20, 2009

Timing is Everything

Last night some members of my coven and I went to see Jacob Black kick Vampire butt.

Like true fans, we went first to the nine pm encore showing of Twilight and then safeguarded our seats against the mayhem of the midnight showing of New Moon.

Jacob was delicious.

But seriously, the movie was boring.

Yes I said it.

There wasn't enough Werewolf Action.

New Moon was my favorite of the four books, specifically for the Were Love.

I'd rather 108 degrees than the coldness of the undead.

Part of the problem last night, could have been exhaustion, but it was more blah blah blah, Bella's feelings about Edward and not enough of the shirtless Jacob and his pack of wolves.

And the Volturri, was rather anticlimactic. I wanted to see some bloodshed or more torture. I have to admit that although I loved that Dakota Fanning lended herself to the movie, her portryal of the evil angel Jane was BORING- and not true to the book. The screenwriter, makeup artists and costume people totally had it all wrong.

And don't get me started on her "twin" brother.
I'm certain I'll see the movie again, but I think as approach my 4th decade, I do not need to attend midnight movies.
It was a long drive home looking for the telling eyes of the werewolves.
I am however thrilled to have spent an evening with my coven away from distractions of Children etc. We all need a girls night out every now and again, next time, BEFORE the witching hour.


Highlights said...

I liked it better than Twilight...probably because of the muscles, but I'm with you. I could have probably waited for a matinee or the dvd. I still had a great time with my sisters and my mom too!

Elder Nicholas Sinks said...

We are going on Saturday in Dripping Springs, TX.....we are so excited!!!!
Natalie is so excited she can hardly stand it.
Hope you have a great Thanksgiving!!!!

KCsMomma said...

I liked it better than Twilight too. Definitely a bit more action and I thot the make up/lighting/eyes looked better this go around. BUT, I decided I AM TOO OLD to stay out that late anymore. If only I could push pause on life until I caught up on my sleep....

4Girls4Me said...

Corey & I are taking Ryann on Saturday. Like I said, my expectations are low anyway. :) This book was my favorite too, but I loved the Volturi. I will be mad if they screwed them up.
My Mom & Dad are in Tomball! I hope you guys have a chance to get together! :) I wish I could be there too!

Golfersfamily said...

Although I totally agree that Jacob is delish....... I still agree with Bella at the end of the movie - My choice would always be Edward. I loved the movie even more than the first one. I would have liked more Volturi action, but I imagine that we'll get so much more of that in the next movies. Wish we could have seen it together!

Holy Coupons Batman
